Nouns and adjectives.


Write down a list of at least five to ten nouns and five to ten adjectives as you observe a scene at home, work, or in your community.

  • The street has been completely obliterated by the construction machines.
  • I have several brand-new water purifiers ready waiting to be sold.
  • Yes, I have been butying them myself for more than three years.
  • My laptop is old, but it still works as the first day; it only needs a periodic review of its functions.
  • She used to be the best teached in her school.
  • The kitchen is filthy and I will take care of its cleaning.
  • The cleaning lady has taken care of the bathroom and she’s about to begin with the bedrooms.
  • So many big black flies are flying around my head, seems like it is shower time.
  • The final answer has to be creative, interesting and written considering the tastes of the audience.
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Una respuesta a Nouns and adjectives.

  1. Rafa dijo:

    ¿Tiene que ser en inglés? Nada más hablo (y escribo) español y chilango.

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